circle decor image
App homepage printscreen App inside smartphone
icon with an apple icon with an avocado


Healthy eating App


What makes the Nutrieats App different?

In addition to the possibility of creating and following an eating plan, providing healthy recipes, tips on physical activities, the user can also find nutritionists closest to their location, therefore, schedule face-to-face consultations and follow-up through the chat feature on the App.


Client: Case Study

Role: Product Designer

Year: 2019

Medical support and monitoring (face-to-face + virtual).

Incentives to comply with an eating plan.

Secure information from trusted sources.

plate with fruits
nutrieats logo

70% of respondents mentioned that they prefer healthier products, even if they have to pay dearly for them.

8, out of 10 Brazilians, state that they strive to have a healthy diet.


  1. 1. Making the Brazilian more aware of the need and the benefits of healthier eating.
  2. 2. Help to create a good relationship with nutritionist doctors, consequently, adherence to an eating plan (since many find it difficult to follow).
  3. 3. Facilitation for scheduling appointments (in person or online) and communication between nutritionist and patient.

High level goals.

My role

I worked on UI and UX aspects of this project. While four other fellow designers were more focused on research, flows, and desk research in our project, my focus was on User Interface (although I worked on the entire Design process).

Nutrieats app print screens

Design Process

  1. 01.


    • Map user pains
    • Desk Research
    • Personas
    • In-depth interview
    • Empathy Map
    • User journey
  2. 02.


    • Benchmarking
    • Co-creation
    • Prioritizing features
  3. 03.


    • Navigation flow
    • Wireframes
    • Navigable prototype
  4. 04.

    User Interface

    • Visual refinement
    • Style Guide
  5. 05.


    • Usability tests
    • Generate reports
    • Measurement (Hotjar, Fullstory)
    • New prioritizations

Customer Insights

Analysis of the most relevant interviews and observations of users' pain.

After an interview with 6 participants, comments and insgiths were observed that were very relevant to decisions about building the App and its features.


Have had nutritional monitoring with a professional.


Do not think they have a healthy diet.


Have tried to make some kind of change in your eating routine.

App homepage printscreen Bowl with blueberries carrot icon onion icon orange fruit icon

Empathy Map

Empathy map image

User Persona

user persona graph

User Flow Map

User Experience

The main objective was to create intuitive flows and interfaces, easy to interact and understand, with a focus on usability and aiming at constant improvements.

user flow image
demo screens colors list
demo screens
demo screens